Anatomy of a Liberal: I Stole 40 Trump Lawn Signs Because I Was ‘Angry’

Because it’s THEIR world — we’re just living in it.

he following report exemplifies what it means to be a leftist: It’s about acting out based on emotion, based on feelings (their feelings of course, never yours) without regard for the consequences or whose rights are being trampled in the process. The only “rights” that matter, are theirs. The only feelings that matter, are theirs.

Betta Stothart, a 52-year-old Maine resident and mother, recently stole 40 Trump lawn signs simply because seeing them made her “angry.”

“It felt to me like there was a small group of people really trying to impose their political ideology on the community,” Stothart explained to the Portland Press Herald.

“It felt like an affront, and a little disrespectful, to have so many there.”

Stothart, of course, dealt with it the only way a leftist can — by violating other people’s right to free speech and stealing their property. In an OpEd for the Washington Post, Stothart wrote of her foray into lawn-sign pilfering:

I committed a crime this month, along with two of my friends. I’m not the lawbreaking type. In fact, as a 52-year-old mom, my life is pretty predictable and boring. But this election, a particular candidate’s boasts about women pushed me over the edge.

In the suburban, upper-middle-class part of Maine where I live, Republicans and Democrats live together mostly in harmony. In every election cycle, there’s some tension. But the 2016 presidential campaign has been different. Tensions in my town are running at a fevered pitch.


Complete text linked here.

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