How useless is the United Nations?

Bill Federer recounts history of using organization to spread ‘disunity and confusion’

The United Nations officially began Oct. 24, 1945. Its name coined by President Franklin Roosevelt. The United Nations was created to prevent future wars.

Unfortunately, there have been nearly 150 wars with over 100 million casualties from the day the United Nations’ charter was drafted in the Garden Room of San Francisco’s Fairmont Hotel:

5 in Central Asia
11 in South Asia
20 in Southeast Asia
13 in Eastern Europe
23 in the Middle East
25 in Latin & South America
50 in Africa

The Secretary-General at the United Nations Charter Conference in 1945 was Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was present at the Yalta Conference. Feb. 4-11, 1945, where a large portion of Europe was put under the control of the Soviet Union. Alger Hiss was later accused and convicted of being a Communist agent in publicized 1948 trial.

The person who accused Alger Hiss was a former Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers. Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers had been senior editor of Time magazine before defecting to the United States.

After Whittaker Chambers died, President Ronald Reagan awarded him the Medal of Freedom, March 26, 1984, stating: “At a critical moment in our Nation’s history, Whittaker Chambers stood alone against the brooding terrors of our age. … He became the focus of a momentous controversy in American history that symbolized our century’s epic struggle between freedom and totalitarianism, a controversy in which the solitary figure of Whittaker Chambers personified the mystery of human redemption in the face of evil and suffering.”


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