Badly Injured War Hero Makes Stunning Endorsement & Offer To Trump Campaign

Staff Sgt. Bobby Henline, who suffered severe burns and lost a limb while on an army mission in North Baghdad, has not only endorsed Donald Trump – he’s offering to advise the Republican candidate on foreign policy.

“I like that Trump is not another politician,” says Sgt. Henline. “I think it is smart to have a businessman in the White House.”

The 44-year-old veteran isn’t concerned about Trump’s lack of political experience – which has been one of Hillary’s major attacks against her competitor.

“I would definitely advise Mr. Trump,” he continues. “A good leader doesn’t have to know everything. Nobody knows everything. That’s why you surround yourself with people who are experts in different areas. That’s what makes a good leader.”

Sgt. Henline says he admires Trump’s ‘aggressive’ nature and supports the candidate’s stance on waterboarding.

“In war, you have to do things you wouldn’t normally do in life,” Sgt. Henline says.

“If you get captured you’re getting your head cut off on TV,” he continues. “But then we can’t pour water on their faces to get them to talk to us. That is frustrating.”


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