NY Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney: Hillary Clinton ‘Destroyed’ New York as Senator; Imagine What She’d Do to Country as President

Republican New York Assemblywoman Claudia Tenney is warning voters against supporting Hillary Clinton citing Clinton’s “failed” record in New York state.

“[Clinton’s] failed policies– NAFTA, pay-to-play, corporate welfare– all those things have destroyed central New York,” Tenney told listeners on Breitbart News Saturday. “Can you imagine if she’s President what’s going to happen to the country? It’s going to be terrible NAFTA deals on steroids, pay-to-play, the entire White House is going to be for sale. It’s a nightmare. Those policies have caused this problem right in our area.”

Tenney, who is running for the U.S. House seat in New York’s 22nd Congressional district, explained that Clinton “promised 200,000 jobs when she was running for Senate” in 2000, but Tenney says Clinton failed to deliver. Instead “we’ve lost probably three or four hundred thousand manufacturing jobs out of the state,” Tenney said. “We have the largest out migration of population. We have some of the highest taxes, probably the highest taxes in the nation. We have the second highest energy costs. We are the least free state in the country.”

Tenney told Breitbart that there are “very few manufactures left in central New York” as a result of the trade policies backed by Clinton such as NAFTA.


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