Donald Trump’s 2nd Amendment Warning Was on Target

Last week Donald Trump issued a warning about the defense of the 2nd Amendment. He warned that 21st Century patriots might defend the 2nd Amendment against Queen Hillary with the same passion as 18th Century patriots defended it against King George.

For the ignorant or willfully forgetful, the patriots of 1789 who wrote the United States Constitution believed that the rights enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are rights that all citizens have as natural rights, as gifts from our Creator, not as grants from a benevolent government. Moreover, speaking of King George, the American patriots declared, “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

Donald Trump was warning that when the Bill of Rights is targeted for repeal or nullification, it is likely that patriots will respond with something more direct than a letter to the editor. Undisguised subversion of fundamental rights may spark armed rebellion.

In response to Trump’s warning, the public was treated not to an educated debate about the 2nd Amendment but to a media attack on the messenger who sounded the warning. Imagine if the newspapers of Massacusetts in 1775, instead of heeding Paul Revere’s warning — “the British are coming!” — had set out to defame and discredit him.

The media establishment is now in open, all-out support of a candidate whose loudest supporters openly call for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. As President, Hillary Clinton would have both the power and the expressed intent to effectively nullify the 2nd Amendment by appointing Supreme Court judges who can “reinterpret” it out of existence. You want to own a firearm? Okay — go join a state regulated militia.


Complete text linked here.

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