Sarah Palin to Ted Cruz: Delete Your Career (Video)

In a statement to Breitbart News, former Alaska Governor and 2008 Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin weighed in on Senator Ted Cruz’s refusal to honor his pledge and endorse the GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Palin, whose endorsement of Cruz’s long-shot Senate bid in 2012 was credited by Cruz himself as the reason why he won the race that launched his national political career, gave the following statement to Breitbart after delegates booed Cruz off the stage at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night:

Turns out Ted Cruz’s partner, Carly Fiorina, had a more graceful exit from the political stage than he had.

Cruz’s broken pledge to support the will of the people tonight was one of those career-ending “read my lips” moments. I guarantee American voters took notice and felt more unsettling confirmation as to why we don’t much like typical politicians because they campaign one way, but act out another way. That kind of political status quo has got to go because it got us into the mess we’re in with America’s bankrupt budgets and ramped up security threats.


Complete text linked here.

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