Wall Street Journal editor says GOP voters need to be ‘taught lesson’ (Video)

‘Important that Donald Trump and what he represents’ be stopped.

Bret Stephens, the deputy editorial page editor for the Wall Street Journal, took to CNN television to send a clear message about Donald Trump that included this subtle warning: He must be stopped at all costs and his supporters must be schooled in what’s good for the party.

His words, as captured by Breitbart: “I most certainly will not vote for Donald Trump. I will vote for the least left-wing opponent to Donald Trump and I want to make a vote to make sure that he has – that he is the biggest loser in presidential history since, I don’t know, Alf Landon or going back further.”

Landon served as the governor of Kansas in the 1930s, first taking office in 1932 then winning reelection in 1934. In 1936, the Republican Party chose him as the candidate to beat Franklin D. Roosevelt. But he lost by a huge margin, with Roosevelt taking nearly 28 million votes to Landon’s near-17 million.

Stephens continued, telling host Fareed Zakaria he’d like Trump to lose by such a margin, and in the process, remind GOP voters they shouldn’t back someone who goes against the party’s grain.


Complete text and video linked here.

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