Must See Video: Trump’s Touching Gesture After Rally Brings Grieving Mother to Tears

The affectionate gesture draws a sharp contrast with the growing chaos outside the arena—where protesters were waving foreign flags, chanting obscenities, and violently confronting law enforcement. The irony is that these children are dead specifically because law enforcement was not allowed to do its job.

Cell phone footage captured at Wednesday’s campaign rally shows Donald Trump’s touching and spontaneous interaction with a group of mothers who attended the rally and who lost their children to illegal alien violence.

The footage shows Trump kissing and signing posters of the mothers’ deceased children after his rally in Anaheim, California.

Sabine Durden—whose 30-year-old son Dominic was murdered by an illegal alien who was driving without a license and who had two prior DUI charges—said that she “lost it” when Trump kissed her son’s poster.

“It came from his heart,” Durden said. “We were not in front of a big audience. He was on his way out of the building and we were off to the side… It was such a touching, and very genuine and tender moment and it shows what a kind, gentle and very caring man he is.”

The footage also revealed the pandemonium after a Trump rally—with fans reaching over and around each other as Secret Service desperately tries to maintain control of the chaotic situation. It is in this context that Trump, despite the pressure to continue moving forward, stopped and interacted with the families.


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