Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa Warns of New Gang, Sur 13, Infiltrating Long Island

The founder of the Guardian Angels gives a neighborhood by neighborhood look at where deadly gangs are proliferating across Long Island.

The insidious tentacles of deadly gang activity continue to spread across Long Island, with the presence of a new gang, Sur 13, creeping into the area, according to Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels.

Sliwa, who founded the red-beret wearing anti-crime organization in 1979, said there’s been a shift in the movement of gangs over the past year, with the biggest change evidenced by the presence of the southern California gang, Sur 13, or the violent Surenos gang, on Long Island.

Sur 13 members, Sliwa said, often have tattoos that say “Sur,” “13,” or “Sur 13.” Other times, he said, rather than the more visible tattoos, they are seen garbed in LA Dodgers gear.

The violent Sureños gang originates mostly from southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, Sliwa said; their enemies in Central America and in California are the Nortenos, who mostly come from northern Mexico.


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