Greenspan: Western World Headed for a State of Disaster (Video)

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan discusses the long-term economic growth problems in both Europe and the United States.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has a dire warning about the economy. During an exclusive interview on The FOX Business Network’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast he told Neil Cavuto the U.S. has “a global problem of a shortage in productivity growth” and is headed for a state of disaster.

“What the Fed does at this particular stage is less important than what the markets are doing. And what the markets are beginning to show us is acceleration in money supply for the first time in a very long time… We have a global problem of a shortage in productivity growth and it’s not only the United States but it’s pretty much around the world and it’s being caused by the fact that the populations everywhere in the Western world, for example, are aging and we are not committing enough of our resources to fund that,” he said.

Greenspan said the main thing confronting our country and the global economy is long-term economic growth.


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