Huckabee: Bushes Should Leave GOP If They Won’t Back Trump as Nominee (Video)

“If they are not going to support the people the Republicans nominated, they need to get out of the Republican Party and admit they are not Republican or be honest and say I only want it when I get it my way.”

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee Thursday slammed ex-Presidents George H.W. Bush and his son, George W., for staying away from endorsing Donald Trump as the nominee, saying that if they can’t support the GOP nominee they should get out of the party.

“When we nominated various people over the past several election cycles to be president, there were many of us who had heartburn,” Huckabee, who dropped his own presidential bid after the Iowa caucuses in February, told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” co-host Bill Hemmer.

“But we sucked it up and went out there and vigorously supported our nominee,” he continued. “If they are not going to support the people the Republicans nominated, they need to get out of the Republican Party and admit they are not Republican or be honest and say I only want it when I get it my way.”


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