San Fran whiz kids sued over public urination spot

‘They must lift their skirts or pull down their pants and undergarments’

A solution to the growing nationwide dispute over transgenders’ access to their choice of restrooms it is not.

It’s apparently not legal either.

That’s the claim made public this week in a lawsuit against the city of San Francisco over a semi-circular wall on a concrete pad with a drain in the middle that apparently is intended for public urination.

The wall is in sight of children playing nearby, pedestrians, commuter rail-line customers, tourists with video cameras and even residents of nearby homes who have become plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

WND reported in February when the controversy arose over the city’s expenditure of $15,000 to build the semi-circular public urination wall.

“This is a new low even for San Francisco. It is also blatantly illegal,” Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, said in a statement at the time.


Complete text linked here.

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