Huckabee warns Clinton: Watch out for Trump

‘I can tell you, Hillary is in for the ride of her life’

Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor who recently dropped his bid for the White House, sent out a mocking warning Hillary Clinton’s way, telling the Democratic Party front-runner that if Donald Trump wins, she better be prepared.

He said, on “The Kelly File” on Fox News, neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton have ever faced anything like Trump, and their tried-and-true “Clinton Playbook” of dirty politicking may not prove the match they need to win.

“They’re conventional politicians, but they’re rugged, they’re ruthless,” he admitted.

But that’s nothing compared to the Trump whirlwind, he said.

“The reason I’m sitting in this chair talking to you instead of on stage is because, like everybody else, I underestimated Donald Trump and the connection he was having to voters,” Huckabee said. “I can tell you, Hillary is in for the ride of her life when she has to take on Donald Trump.”


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