Political Correctness – The Reason The World Needs To Use Its Trump Card

“A Trump presidency won’t only wipe out political correctness in America; it’ll wipe it off the face of the earth.”

Political correctness is destroying America, and Western civilization.

This year America celebrates her 240th birthday. If she is to make her tri-centennial in 2076, a feat few great nations in history have achieved, it will need to crush this totalitarian ideology that is currently strangling it.

Every problem in America today is linked to political correctness. Declining educational standards, increasing secularism, the police not being allowed to do their job, an inability to secure her borders, a diminished America in the world theatre and reluctance to smash the evil of currently rampaging Islamism – all of it is rooted in politically-correct ideology. Nothing is more antithetical to America’s foundational principles.

Political correctness seeks to eliminate individualism, identity and confidence; three characteristics indispensable to American greatness. If you want to see the end result, look no further than Europe. The intellectual tyranny, self-loathing and choking conformity of this ideology has feminized and weakened a once great continent which now aspires to mediocrity. The same is true of America’s English-speaking cousins.


Complete text linked here.

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