Duncan Hunter backing Trump’s White House bid

Hunter sponsored legislation last year dubbed the “Donald Trump Act” by critics, the news outlet added. It would have required local law enforcement in sanctuary cities to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they have an undocumented immigrant in their custody.

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) announced on Wednesday that he is endorsing Donald Trump following the real estate mogul’s victory in Nevada’s GOP presidential caucuses.

“We don’t need a policy wonk as president,” Hunter told Politico. “We need a leader as president. I’m in, and I’ve been in.”

“I don’t think Trump wants my endorsement,” Hunter added, noting he has not spoken with the outspoken billionaire. “And that’s one reason why I like him.”

The California lawmaker also predicted more support from his colleagues for Trump’s White House bid.

“I’ve liked Trump since the beginning,” Hunter said. “I think you may have some more Trump supporters in Congress. They just have to come out of the closest, so to speak.”

Hunter’s endorsement is Trump’s second on Capitol Hill, following Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) earlier Wednesday.


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