Davi: Donald Trump is the ‘Common Sense Conservative’ America Needs

As Donald Trump was giving his speech on June 16th, letting America know he was running for President, I began to write. While most all the pundits and political experts did not take Mr. Trump’s announcement seriously.

I wrote “the common sense, populist message ‘the Donald’ is giving, while not a poetic as that of Ronald Reagan—goes right to the gut of an American population that has been ripping its hair out while watching the destruction of our Republic from within.

The compliance and lack of imagination of the Republican Party along with the aggressive takeover by progressives bent in reshaping America into the image of Europe has brought us to the point we are now in (Not to blow my own horn I suggest you read that article if you haven’t, now 8 months later.)

The phrase I would like you to take note of is “the compliance and lack of Imagination from the Republican Party.” I would like to add to that the pundits and media.

I have watched Trump’s campaign unfold the last eight months and the excitement he has unleashed in the Mr and Mrs John Does of America is unparalleled in our time.

The elite class has been so far removed from the blood, sweat, and fear American’s feel that they have been dumbfounded by the overwhelming response Donald Trump has inspired across the land.


Complete text linked here.

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