Hillary: ‘No Unknown’ With My Wall Street Speeches (Video)

The Clinton Cash scheme worked like this: foreign companies and countries funneled million dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation and paid Bill Clinton tens of millions for paid speeches. In return, Hillary doled out State Dept contracts and lucrative policies to those countries and companies. In short, she AUCTIONED American power. And that’s why the Inspector General has subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation.

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton maintained that “there is no unknown” regarding her speeches to Wall Street during CNN’s Democratic Presidential Town Hall on Tuesday.

Hillary, when asked about the transcripts of her Wall Street speeches said, “[T]here is no unknown. I am on record, I went to Wall Street before the Great Recession. I called them out. I said what they were doing in the mortgage market was going to cause serious problems. I called for reigning in CEO pay. I called for ending the loophole that lets hedge fund managers get a lower tax rate. I have been on record for a really long time. I’ve now put forth a plan, it’s in public arena. I want to people to hold me accountable. Because that’s what I’ll do. The other part of this, which I find somewhat concerning, actually, is the argument seems to be that if you ever took money from any business, of any kind, then you can’t fulfill your public responsibilities.


Complete text and video linked here.

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