Coulter: 10 million more Trump votes if GOP blows Supreme Court fight (Audio)

Capitulation to Obama will further fuel billionaire’s appeal.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter says the U.S. Senate may inadvertently win Donald Trump 10 million extra votes in the aftermath of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death.

President Obama is expected to move quickly to replace the void left by Scalia’s passing on Saturday at a West Texas resort. Coulter said any capitulation by Republicans to Obama’s agenda once it returns from its recess Feb. 22 will further push voters into the Republican hopeful’s camp.

“Look, if they let somebody go through, I mean, I think Trump is going to win anyway but it’s just going to get him another ten million votes,” Coulter told Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM.


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