Perception and Reality by Charlie Daniels

Welfare is meant for those who need it, not those who want it.

When a person hears the word “free” they are apt to get excited because they think it means they’re going to get something of value without having to give anything in return.

This is rarely the case.

How many times have you been lured into some great sounding deal that begins with an official looking letter or a phone call that starts out something like, “Congratulations, you have been chosen to participate in our test market program and will receive a free trip!” Or some other attractive sounding come on designed to grab your interest and keep it until you can be talked into taking the bait; hook, line and sinker.

The trouble is the trip itself may be free, the accommodations and a couple complimentary breakfasts, but – of course – there’s the airfare and a “few” other expenses you must cover, and if you fall for it, you’ll find yourself sitting in the lobby of some run down motel with a couple dozen other irritated folks waiting for your room, which is the size of a broom closet, to be vacated.

Your complimentary breakfast consists of a crowded buffet line with greasy bacon, cold eggs, hard biscuits and congealed gravy complete with an empty coffee machine, or stale doughnuts.


Complete text linked here.

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