Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker’s murder has shocked Europe

Social worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, was murdered in Mölndal on Monday. Gothenburg suburb last year took in more unaccompanied refugee children than anywhere else in the country – 4,041 added to a population of 63,000. Received £22.6million to provide housing for unaccompanied minors – the most state funding per capita than any town or city in Sweden. Crime figures reveal there were 222 criminal complaints linked to migrant centres – between 20 October 2015 and 8 January this year.

Standing on a street corner in the pitch black night, a youth brandishes a broken walking stick like a weapon.

Wrapped up warm in a thick parka coat Mohammed jokes with his friends as passers-by watch the gang of unruly youths hanging around one of the few shops still open with suspicion.

As I approach, the 16-year-old drops the baton, his friend kicks it away, trying to hide it.

‘Mölndal is the best place in the world,’ Mohammed claims. ‘I have lived here my whole life. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.’

His family arrived in Sweden as refugees in the 1980s. Iraqi Kurds they were forced to flee Saddam Hussein merciless vendetta against this persecuted people.

His father stayed on to fight the regime – a volunteer to the fearless Peshmerga fighters, Mohammed announces proudly.

‘Sweden is very good for people who want to live a peaceful life,’ the youngster explains in flawless English.

‘Everyone is treated with respect. And Swedish people are kind.’


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