Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture

An epidemic of rape cases across Europe has police in the U.K., Norway, Sweden, Germany and other nations worried. But you won’t hear much about it in the U.S. mainstream media because the epidemic is a byproduct of the influx into Europe of a million, mostly Muslim, migrants.

What has happened to put discussion of Islam’s rape culture out of bounds? Crime statistics in Europe are daily documenting the scope of the problem, but no one in the establishment press is reporting them.

Of course, the Fatwa on the proper treatment of “sex slaves” did make news, but only because it was billed as a rebuke to ISIS’s “excesses.” According to the mullahs, it’s quite okay to use captured 12-year-old girls as sex slaves, but you must follow proper Islamic etiquette. For example, you must not have sex with both the mother and daughter at the same time.

But stories about the rape epidemic in Europe are rare.

Consider this recent news item from Germany:

A growing number of women and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, sexually assaulted and even forced into prostitution by male asylum seekers, according to German social work organisations with first-hand knowledge of the situation.


Complete text linked here.

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