Meet Precious Flower Jesse Singal: He Thinks You Are a ‘Hateful Idiot’

New York Magazine’s Jesse Singal is a precious flower, so perfect in every way that he could never do any wrong. And he wants you—the readers of Breitbart News Network—to know that, and to know just how imperfect and awful and “hateful” each of you “idiots” are.

Singal, on Saturday morning, went out of his very busy Brooklyn day to comb through millions of Breitbart News Network comments to find 7 commenters who argued that House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan’s new beard suggests an affinity on his part for radical Islamic extremists who commit acts of terror. Of course that’s not true, or accurate, despite what anyone thinks of the feckless congressional response to the worthless handling of the Islamic State’s rise to power by President Barack Obama.

We at Breitbart News thought it was so hilarious that we ran a piece about Singal’s piece. And that piece from us seems to have sent Singal, a perfect liberal who can do no wrong to the world, into a tailspin on Twitter.

“Disproportionate response,” Singal said in response to one Twitter user.

Then, in response to Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos Tweeting out the article about Singal’s piece, Singal began to lose it. “Holy shit Breitbart responded to my beard blog post!!!!!!!!!!! These are some sensitive snowflakes,” Singal wrote.

Three minutes later, Singal indulged himself again by Tweeting with a screenshot of a Facebook message someone sent him calling him a “clown”: “Within minutes of Breitbart writing about me (happened twice now), the dumb Facebook messages roll in.”


Complete text linked here.

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