‘Stuff Happens’: CNN’s Ryan Lizza Is Why America Hates and Distrusts the Media (Videos)

Here’s why trust in the media is at all-time low: The media’s lies are being exposed by New Media and the media’s Ryan Lizzas refuse to stop lying.

Ryan Lizza identifies an objective reporter/analyst for The New Yorker and CNN, but anyone familiar with his work knows that he is just another left-wing hitman, and on Friday afternoon he proved so once again when he intentionally took Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush out of context. With trust in the media at an all-time low; with circulations and ratings plummeting; with red ink flowing, you would think the elite media would stop with the corrupt lying. Nope. The Cause will always come first.

No one will ever confuse me with a Jeb Bush fan. In the upcoming primaries there are around a dozen Republicans I’ll vote for before Bush. That doesn’t mean, though, that it is okay when a Ryan Lizza intentionally lies about what Bush said, not just — it should be added — to attack Jeb but the Republican Party at large. And all in the service of pushing gun confiscation and keeping Democrats in the White House.

At a forum in South Carolina, Bush was asked about Thursday’s school shooting in Oregon. His answer was quite good — a thoughtful look at the unpredictability of human nature, the role of government, the rights of the individual and his obvious contrast with President Obama and Democrats.


Complete text and videos linked here.

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