Trump topped Facebook chatter in September

Donald J. Trump is still dominating Facebook, challenging critics who say his campaign is losing steam.

Donald Trump is still dominating Facebook even as observers wonder whether his campaign is losing steam.

In the period between August 30 and September 29, Trump generated the most “interactions” — what Facebook calls likes, shares, comments and posts — by far more than any candidate in either party. Nearly 22 million people generated 94,281,000 interactions about him around the country.

He also led in several states with early nominating contests. He generated 873,000 interactions in Iowa, 452,000 interactions in New Hampshire and 1,512,000 in South Carolina. Trump was also dominant on Facebook in Iowa when data was released in July.

The numbers do not indicate the tenor of the interactions. They could be negative, neutral or positive toward Trump or the other candidates.

The two Republicans who came closest to matching Trump’s numbers were former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina — who garnered 13,166,000 interactions from 4,153,000 people nationwide — and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, with 27,596,000 generated by 6,086,000 people.


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