Cruz: Trump Shouldn’t Apologize ‘For Speaking Out’ On Illegal Immigration (Video)

“Donald Trump, he has a way of speaking that gets attention. And I credit him for focusing on an issue that needs to be focused on.” And that human smugglers that bring human smugglers over the border are “definitely criminals.”

Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz said Donald Trump shouldn’t apologize “for speaking out against the problem that is illegal immigration” on Tuesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

Cruz argued, “Amnesty is wrong. It’s unfair to millions of legal immigrants, immigrants like my dad, who came legally in 1957, penniless and not speaking English. When it comes to Donald Trump, I like Donald Trump. I think he’s terrific, I think he’s brash, I think speaks the truth. And I think NBC is engaging in political correctness that is silly and that is wrong.”

Cruz continued, “I don’t think you should apologize for speaking out against the problem that is illegal immigration. I recognize that the PC world of mainstream media, they don’t want to admit it. But the American people are fed up. Now listen, we are also a nation of immigrants. And we should celebrate legal immigrants. But Donald Trump is exactly right to highlight the need –”


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