L.A. Claims $100M Homeless ‘State of Emergency’ in Pursuit of 2024 Olympics

Los Angeles will declare a $100 million dollar “state of emergency” on homelessness in an effort to win a bid to host the 2024 Olympics. Taxpayers take note: L.A. already spends $100 million annually on homelessness.

The City of Los Angeles is preparing to declare a state of emergency on the epidemic levels of homeless population and is planning to use $100 million dollars to spearhead the fight that one councilman suggested is a precursor to L.A. winning a 2024 bid to host the Olympic Games.

“It’s not a skid row problem. It’s a problem that’s proliferated throughout the city,” Councilman Gilbert Cedillo told the Los Angeles Times.

Cedillo made further statements indicating that the effort is tied to the city’s attempt to win a bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics. “If we want to be a great city that hosts the Olympics and shows itself off to the world,” he said, “we shouldn’t have 25,000 to 50,000 people sleeping on the streets.”

It’s worth noting that Chriss Street of Breitbart News previously reported on comments from top California demographer Joel Kotkin on bringing the Olympics to L.A.

Contrasting the current state of the city with that of the “brilliantly run” 1984 L.A. Games, Kotkin said of a potential 2024 Games, “The weakening of the private sector, and the parallel rise of almost complete power of city employee unions, are adequate causes for skepticism about the likelihood that Mayor Garcetti and the labor-dominated City Council could produce a profitable Games.”


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