U.S. military indifference to Afghan sex abuse led boy to kill three Marines

A culture of high-ranking Afghan police, politicians and warlords routinely raping boys has been the focus of war stories since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.

A lawsuit charges that the U.S. military’s indifference to the crime of Afghanistan officials sexually abusing boys led to the killings of three Marines in 2012 by the youthful companion of a corrupt Afghan police chief.

Despite warnings that the chief, Sarwan Jan, and his boy entourage should be expelled from Forward Operating Base Delhi, Marine Corps commanders let him stay. On Aug. 10, one of his “tea boys” walked into the base gym and gunned down the three Marines, including Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. of Long Island, whose parents are fighting out a lawsuit in U.S. District Court.

“There was no investigation or scrutiny into, or monitoring of, Jan or the unknown boys and young men he brought onto FOB Delhi,” states the lawsuit, filed by New York lawyer Michael J. Bowe, who took the case pro bono.


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