Secret Adviser Urged Hillary To ‘Break’ The Tea Party

So what did Blumenthal tell her in his memo? According to a new State Department email dump Monday night, here are the bare-knuckle political highlights:

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a special “CONFIDENTIAL” memo from her shady political adviser, Sidney Blumenthal just after tea party Republicans won their huge majority in the House of Representatives during the midterm elections of November 2, 2010.

Blumenthal bashed incoming House Speaker Rep. John Boehner, he fretted about the tea party’s role in the shocking Republican majority, and he urged Clinton to aggressively “break them apart.”

Hillary was receptive to Blumenthal’s ideas and admitted she was “distressed” over the huge Republican win. “Thx, as always, for your insights,” Clinton replied. “I’m on a plane on the way to Papua New Guinea for the next 6 hours so pls email me results as you get them. Needless to say, I’m so distressed over all of this. All the best, H.”


Blumenthal Blames Karl Rove For ‘Far Right’ Sarah Palin

“Rove is telling his donors that the ticket in 2012 is Romney/Barbour. Haley Barbour is Rove’s ally. Together they constitute the heart of the GOP establishment. In a potential Republican administration Barbour would be a new kind of Cheney, but more politically skillful…Rove is at war with Palin. He has told his donors she must be stopped. Palin is well aware. The Politico story filled with anonymous quotes about a murky establishment vs. Palin is about the Death Star of Rove/Barbour. Ironies: Rove doubled down on a base strategy for Bush, galvanizing the right wing, now spun out of his control to Palin. The GOP used the far right and Palin in the mid-terms and now have to kill them in presidential nomination politics. Attacking Palin only builds her stature with the right. She plays instinctively to the base, but can she play a long game against the big boys determined to destroy her?…Palin has already aligned Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh on her side. Fox News is being split. Murdoch gave his big donation to the Republican Governors Association, headed by Barbour.”


Complete text linked here.

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