Britain set for first ever migrant workers strike because Polish people feel UNAPPRECIATED

Jane Collins, MEP Ukip employment spokeswoman, said: “There are unemployed British people who should be personally insulted that economic migrants, who pro EU politicians constantly say are harder working than they, are going on strike.”

The unofficial strike, which will take place in London later this month, was said to have been arranged after furious Polish migrants took to the internet to moan about being blamed for Britain’s economy problems.

While the protest does not involve any trade unions, it is being supported by the Polish Express newspaper.

The publication is encouraging Polish migrant workers to wear a red t-shirt carrying the slogan: “Enough! Stop blaming us.”

Tomasz Kowalski, editor of the Polish Express, said the idea of striking came from one of their readers.

He said: “It’s just a way to show people in the UK that immigrants are an important part of Britain.

“We want to make the point that we are here and that we want to feel appreciated.”


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