BOOM – Univision Reluctantly Reports Donald Trump Leading With Latino Republicans…

Donald Trump previously said: “I will win the Hispanic vote in this election“. Guess what? He’s right.

In a Public Policy Polling survey, Trump leads with 34% of Hispanic voters, surpassing Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. What makes this poll even more delicious, is that it had to be reported on Univision:

ROGELIO MORA TAGLE, CORRESPONDENT: And it’s that upon launching his campaign, Trump said among other things that the people who emigrate from Mexico bring to the United States drugs, crime and are rapists. Those comments, for 55% of those polled, are insulting and racist, and out of place in a presidential campaign.

But despite the negative numbers, among those polled there is also a percentage that believes the controversy generated by Donald Trump has helped bring to the table a very important topic: immigration. That’s what 29% believe, while another 14% believe Donald Trump had the courage to say what he thinks.

That popping sound you’re hearing is the rapid noise of media and punditry ‘splodey heads.

Original source.

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