Ann Coulter – Democrats Said “We Tried This The Easy Way” (Audio)

Whites Wouldn’t Vote For Them So They Brought In Ringers.

Ann Coulter makes the argument quite persuasively that most of the major problems that we are dealing with today in this country is a direct result of massive immigration brought upon us by the Democrats.

Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act has resulted in “millions upon millions of foreigners” being brought into this country, foreigners who vote en bloc for Democrats, says Coulter. She notes how the post-1970 immigrants bloc vote for Democrats and that without them, the current illegal squatting in the White House would never have been elected.

She lists many important issues that have been decided and continue to be determined by the huge influx of foreigners, including “The humiliating withdrawal from Iraq after we had won that war and established a democracy and they’re all waving their purple fingers.”

Coulter continues with the rise of ISIS which she says occurred “For no reason, except he [Obama] wants to see America humiliated, pulled every last troop out of Iraq. This Iran deal, we’re doing everything except hoping Iran builds the nuclear weapon.” She also notes the issues of Planned Parenthood funding and Obamacare, saying, “Not only would there be no Obama, there would be no Al Franken because there wouldn’t be one hundred thousand Somalis living in Minnesota bloc voting for the Democrats.”


Complete text and audio linked here.

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