Every pro-immigration claim is a lie by Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter drubs media for not reading ‘studies’ they say exonerate foreigners.

In the wake of Kate Steinle’s murder at the hands of an illegal immigrant, mass immigration advocates have begun a campaign of lies in defense of their cheap labor. “Studies show,” they say, that immigrants commit LESS crime than the native population.

Inasmuch as the vast majority of post-1970 immigrants – legal immigrants – are poor, non-white and come from countries with far worse crime rates than our own, that’s at least counterintuitive.

The main evidence cited in support of the claim that immigrants commit less crime than Americans is a moronic point about cities with a lot of immigrants seeming to have low crime rates. Check and mate, Mr. Trump!

The “New York sure seems safe to me!” argument is like the “Saturday Night Live” sketch of Bill O’Reilly arguing that New York has more people than California.

Bill O’Reilly: You also say that California has more people than any other state. I say New York state has more people – tell me where I’m wrong!

Thomas Woodward: (confused) Um … well … Bill … actually, California is the most populous state.

Bill O’Reilly: I don’t know, counselor. I live in New York, and I walk down the streets every day, and there’s people everywhere! You can’t move! You know what I mean? Last week, I was in California, went to the beach in Malibu. Nobody! Practically empty. So, for my money, New York’s got more people. Probably New Jersey, too.


Complete text linked here.

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