The Man with a Plan: Donald Trump’s 5-Part Strategy to Make America Great Again

Billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump’s Tuesday presidential announcement has sparked intrigue from many and ire from some groups like the Club for Growth, which immediately—and foolishly—called for Trump to be banned from the Republican presidential debates.

But the Club for Growth’s slick press release uses old charges to obscure an otherwise powerful fact: Trump, perhaps more than any other presidential candidate, has already laid out his conservative plan for “making America great again” with crystal clarity, backed up with serious policy prescriptions.

Indeed, in his 2011 bestseller, Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again, he explained in great detail the bills and reforms he says will revitalize the American economy, generate jobs, and strengthen and restore America’s standing on the international stage.

Here, then, are just five of Donald Trump’s solutions for turning the nation around.

1. Foreign Interventions Must Require Cost-Sharing Plans to Reduce U.S. Costs and Guarantee Veterans and Their Families Are Protected

“Money is itself a weapon,” writes Trump.

Before America spends trillions of dollars fighting other nations’ battles, Trump says the U.S. should implement cost-sharing agreements similar to the one advocated in a September 2010 Government Accountability Office (GAO) study to reduce the cost burden on U.S. taxpayers and provide funds for the families of fallen or wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.


Complete text linked here.

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