Donald Trump steamrolls NBC reporter (Video)

Calls Fox’s Krauthammer ‘a totally overrated guy, doesn’t know what he’s doing’.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump opened fire in favor of American gun rights during a televised interview Wednesday, and blasted his critics including Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer as a “totally overrated guy.”

In his discussion with NBC’s Katy Tur, Trump was asked if he was concerned about gun violence in America, to which he responded he was a “big Second Amendment person.”

The following exchange took place when Tur asked Trump if he had a gun:

TRUMP: I have the license to have a gun, yes, I do.

TUR: Do you own one?

TRUMP: Yes, I do.

TUR: Do you use it? Gun range?

TRUMP: That’s none of your business. It’s really none of your business. I have a license to have a gun.

TUR: Gun control?

TRUMP: What are you talking about?

TUR: Or stronger background checks?

TRUMP: Yes, I have a gun and, yes, I have a permit to have a gun.

TUR: Stronger background checks? What about that? Is there any steps that you would take to make it harder to get a gun in this country?

TRUMP: The problem is once you get into that, you start getting into a situation, the slippery slope where all of a sudden you’re going to really violate the Second Amendment. I don’t want to do anything to violate the Second Amendment. To me, the Second Amendment is very important.


Complete text linked here.

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