Watchdog lawyer says 6 supremes must be impeached

How the Obamacare ruling snubs ‘rule of law’.

In the wake of Thursday’s King v. Burwell Supreme Court decision upholding Obamacare, at least one attorney who has argued cases before the court is calling for the justices who filed the majority opinion to be impeached.

All six of them need to go, says Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch.

All six are guilty of abandoning the rule of law, says the longtime government watchdog. In its place they have substituted the advancement of their own political agendas.

“These six justices have violated their own long-established rules of interpretation for applying statutes to instead advance their own political objectives or burnish their public persona,” Klayman said in reaction to the decision. “Such personal goals corrode the role of the court. The justices abandoned the rule of law and have become merely a political focus group.”

As Justice Antonin Scalia makes clear in his dissent, the six justices actually rewrote the Affordable Care Act instead of interpreting it. Scalia wrote that the legacy of the Roberts Court will be “forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”


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