Immigration Wars – David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend, November 15, 2014 – Palm Beach, Florida (Video)

“The executive amnesty is one of the most breathtaking things I’ve seen since I’ve been in Washington, I do believe it is a constitutional crisis, it’s an overreach, it’s an attempt by the president to do what a lot of liberal federal judges used to do. This is the way they explain it: ‘Well, congress won’t act, so I have to act.’ When if congress votes and rejects a bill, it has acted. It has made a decision. This idea that just because you won’t pass the bill I want, I’m now able to do it through my executive powers is so far from the heritage of America, the constitutional order that we’ve been so proud of, and served us so well, is just beyond my comprehension.” Senator Jeff Sessions

Immigration Wars from DHFC on Vimeo.

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