Breitbart Executive Chairman Steve Bannon: Glenn Beck is Right in His Bill of Indictment of the GOP (Video)

Bannon pointed out that Beck “talked abut the cromnibus [budget bill], he talked about executive amnesty, he talked about Common Core. He [Beck] had a litany,” Bannon noted, “his bill of indictment, when you read it….. when you put it all together, you really can see how devastating this is.”

Breitbart Executive Chairman Steve Bannon says Glenn Beck is correct in his bill of particulars indicting the GOP.

Bannon spoke on Sirius XM’s “Breitbart News Sunday” radio program, during his interview of Breitbart contributor Michael Patrick Leahy. Leahy wrote an article Sunday which showed most conservatives support Glenn Beck’s recent counter attack on Karl Rove and the Republican establishment.

“When you go through his [Beck’s] bill of indictment…it’s pretty solid,” Bannon told Leahy.

“You finish reading this thing, you go, I kind of agree with this guy,” Bannon added.

“Some of the things that Glenn Beck said [were devastating to the GOP],” Bannon said.

“You see them going after and attacking Mike Lee. You have Orrin Hatch trying to find a candidate to run against Mike Lee because Mike Lee is a big reformer,” Bannon noted.


Complete text and video linked here.

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