GOP ‘squandering biggest victory’ in 90 years

‘House and Senate Republicans have essentially folded their tents and given up.’

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., says Republican leaders are wasting historic majorities in Congress by surrendering on critical issues like immigration and driving deep wedges in the party by collaborating more with Democrats than conservatives on key votes.

“We are talking about historical vote margins in the House and Senate,” he said. “Republicans have done better than we have in probably 80-90 years. We have immediately started squandering away that victory.”

Huelskamp said the biggest disappointments are in fully funding what he considers to be President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty and in failing to stop Washington’s desire to tax more and spend more. He said the problem started back in December with the “cromnibus” bill, even before the GOP gained control of the U.S. Senate.

“Both Speaker John Boehner and soon-to-be leader Mitch McConnell backed away and seem more intent on working with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi than they are conservatives,” Huelskamp said.


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