NYC Firefighter Is Sick Of Affirmative Action And Wore THIS Shirt In Protest, Now They Want Him Fired

The shirt has the words, “Merit Matters” which is the title of an organization that opposes affirmative action in the fire department.

As you know, Free Speech has been a huge issue in the news lately and people like the French have been killed over it.

Now a New York City firefighter may be fired for speaking freely against affirmative action.

The firefighter wore an anti-affirmative-action T-shirt to work and now a New York judge says he created a hostile work environment and may lose his job over it.

Administrative Law Judge Alessandra Zorgniotti says that because Brooklyn firefighter Thomas Buttaro had refused to remove a T-shirt, he has committed insubordination.

“The FDNY is a para-military organization and may restrict a uniformed member’s appearance so long as the restrictions are rationally related to the department’s legitimate interests,” Zorgniotti said.

Buttaro has worn the T-shirt for years and has refused to give up his Right to Free Speech.


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