7 Reasons Millennials Are The Worst Generation

They’re Lazy. A 2014 YouGov poll shows that 69 percent of Americans think those under 30 are lazy. Even a majority of young people, 55 percent, say that their generation is lazier than past generations. Overall, 31 percent of people aged 18-29 think adults over 30 are harder workers than they are. Sixty percent of Americans think that millennials lack purpose. It’s hard to argue when millennials are still whining about student loans and Obamacare at age 26, which is probably why 57 percent of people under 30 agree that they lack purpose.

For years, Americans have been told that millennials are our future. Barack Obama told them, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Young people were supposed to lead us to the Golden Age of Tolerance, the Technological Age of Wisdom. The White House website quotes President Obama, explaining:

Regardless of your political affiliation, you’ve got to be involved, especially the young people here. Your generation. If you don’t give us a shove, if you don’t give the system a push, it’s just not going to change and you’re going to be the ones who end up suffering the consequences. But if you are behind it, if you put the same energy and imagination that you put into Facebook into the political process, I guarantee you, there’s nothing we can’t solve.

Well, there may be a few things we can’t solve. Like simple reading comprehension problems, for example. And how to stop living in mom’s basement.

Truth be told, millennials are the least useful generation in America. By a long shot. Here are seven indicators that this is so:

They Think Colbert Should Be President. According to the latest Fusion poll, Hillary Clinton handily defeats all comers among millennials. But their real preference is for Stephen Colbert, host of The Colbert Report, who spends his time playing a mock-up of the worst stereotypes about conservatives. 19 percent of millennials say that they’d like to see him as president, versus 17 percent each for Jon Stewart and Tina Fey. Dave Chappelle clocks in at a competitive 15 percent.


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