GOP and tea party heading for divorce? by Tom Tancredo

Tom Tancredo says Republican establishment’s current tack leads to suicide.

Everyone has heard of the law in physics that goes something like this: An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Probably Sir Isaac Newton was inspired by British politicians when first describing “objects at rest.”

If Newton were alive today and looking at the Republican Party, that law of physics might come out looking like this: A political party on a suicide mission will tend to stay on that delusional course, and any force which seeking to alter that mission will be scorned, ridiculed and invited to the exit. It seems the GOP’s “big tent” has more exits than entrances.

Think I’m exaggerating? I wish it were that simple.

A spokesmen for the House Republican leadership cavalierly announced earlier this month, “We don’t need the fringe anymore.” That statement was widely reported – and applauded, of course, by the Beltway Punditry. But here’s the problem. He was talking about the voters who elected 14 new Republican House members and gave Mitch McConnell the Senate leadership as well.

Today, the tea party movement is scorned and ridiculed by the Republican establishment because they do not welcome “interference” in their suicide mission. The problem is that the Republican suicide is taking our constitutional republic down the drain as well.


Complete text linked here.

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