Facebook “have got blood on their hands” over Lee Rigby murder

Fusilier Rigby’s sister, Sara McClure, 25, said: “Facebook have my brother’s blood on their hands. I hold them partly responsible for Lee’s murder.”

The family of Lee Rigby have accused Facebook of failing to help stop his killers.

They said the internet giant had “blood on its hands” because it had hosted exchanges between one of the soldier’s murderers and an Al Qaeda extremist, in which the former said: “Let’s kill a soldier.”

However, the social network’s staff failed to tell MI5 about the “graphic and emotive” posts from Michael Adebowale, made just six months before the atrocity took place.

Incredibly, Facebook had already disabled seven of his accounts – five of which were flagged over links to extremism – without informing security services.

Fusilier Rigby’s sister, Sara McClure, 25, said: “Facebook have my brother’s blood on their hands. I hold them partly responsible for Lee’s murder.”

“I suppose it has given me someone to blame but I’m not sure that’s what I wanted. Knowing it could have been prevented and it wasn’t prevented. I blame the failings of MI5 and the internet companies. Mainly the internet companies.”

In a long-awaited report, Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee yesterday said that had MI5 known about Adebowale’s messages, Fusilier Rigby’s murder could have been avoided.


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