Facebook Can’t Cite Evidence to Support Claims of U.S. Tech Worker Shortage (Video)

Facebook, which has spent millions trying to get massive amnesty legislation that would include huge increases in the number of guest-worker permits that would lower the wages of tech workers, cannot cite any definitive evidence pointing to a shortage of American high-tech workers.

The fact that a mainstream media outlet questioned the company about those claims may say as much as Facebook’s refusal to provide evidence of the so-called shortage.

A funny thing has happened since tech industry scholars wondered why the the mainstream media were giving the high-tech industry a “free pass” on claims that there is a dire shortage of American high-tech workers.

Mainstream media outlets like CBS have started to finally examine and question those claims. And now even the pro-business Businessweek is not giving the industry a free pass.

In an article titled, “The Tech Worker Shortage Doesn’t Exist,” Businessweek cited some of the leading experts on the subject, like Rutgers University public policy professor Hal Salzman, who said that “there’s no evidence of any way, shape, or form that there’s a shortage in the conventional sense”–meaning that when the tech industry claims there is a shortage, it just wants cheaper labor.


Complete text and video linked here.

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