Bachmann, King in Texas Border Town Devastated by Illegal Immigration: Looks Like ‘World War II After a Bombing’

Standing on a cliff looking over the Rio Grande river in this border town, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) notes the buildings behind us on the American side—largely abandoned, run-down houses and a seemingly abandoned local chamber of commerce outpost—look like they’ve been ravaged by war.

“This looks like it’s post-World War II, like after a bombing,” Bachmann said while Breitbart News and CNN accompanied her and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) to an outpost on the border where illegal immigration and drug cartel crime runs rampant. “We don’t see people living here, but they told us these are stash houses for the drug cartels. You wouldn’t want to be here after dark.”

King and Bachmann headed down here the day after President Barack Obama announced his long-planned executive amnesty for upwards of 5 million illegal aliens. They met with Border Patrol and local law enforcement on the border trip, which was designed to show the American people the damage to American communities thanks to illegal immigration and lawlessness on the border that the president is encouraging with amnesty.

The two fiercely conservative lawmakers are rallying the American people to pressure their members of Congress to block Obama’s amnesty. They’re leading a rally on Capitol Hill when Congress comes back after Thanksgiving and calling on Americans to “melt the phone lines” to their lawmakers, demanding they don’t pass an omnibus spending bill—and use Congress’s power of the purse to block Obama’s amnesty.


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