Pirro: Exec Amnesty ‘Thuggish, Illegal Move’ (Video)

On Saturday, the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” host, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed President Obama’s executive action on immigration, dubbing it a “thuggish, illegal move” and a “deliberate, unrestrained, irresponsible, and unprecedented defiance of the US Constitution and the rule of law.”

“this is not prosecutorial discretion. It is deliberate, unrestrained, irresponsible, and unprecedented defiance of the US Constitution and the rule of law. As a former Constitutional Law professor, I don’t have to remind you that Congress has exclusive authority to enact laws and that you are only one of three separate but equal branches of government. And you don’t even have the popular sentiment behind you. Almost half of Americans disapprove of your executive action. You want to change a law? How about you get both houses of Congress to agree? And stop with the smug Tony Soprano-like threats. You’re so arrogant that instead of giving the new Congress a chance to pass a fair immigration law, you just do your own thing” she declared.

Pirro continued, “but I have to give you credit, within two weeks of an historic political shellacking, your thuggish, illegal move has cornered Republicans. They now must act or suffer political consequences.”


Complete text and video linked here.

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