Arpaio takes Obama’s executive order to court

‘This unconstitutional act … will have a serious detrimental impact’

Less than two hours after Barack Obama announced a solo move to protect millions of illegal aliens from deportation, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio took him to court to have the Constitution upheld.

A lawsuit filed by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch named Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Immigration Services chief Leon Rodriquez and Attorney General Eric Holder as defendants in an action that seeks to avoid “irreversible harm” from Obama’s actions because they will “encourage[e] more illegal aliens to enter the country unlawfully…”

The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks, among other things, a “permanent injunction declaring the amnesty programs to be unlawful.”

Arpaio, who has been at odds with the Obama administration a number of times, released a statement:

“This unconstitutional act by the president will have a serious detrimental impact on my carrying out the duties and responsibilities for which I am encharged as sheriff,” he said “Specifically, it will severely strain our resources, both in manpower and financially, necessary to protect the citizens I was elected to serve. For instance, among the many negative [e]ffects of this executive order, will be the increased release of criminal aliens back onto streets of Maricopa County, Arizona, and the rest of the nation.”


Complete text linked here.

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