Celebrity Global-warming Hypocrisy (Video)

The jet-setting Hollywood celebrities, Wall Street billionaires and politicians demand, in effect, that Africans, Indians, and other lesser beings remain in their squalor, restricting their energy upgrades to the pathetically minuscule offerings provided by so-called “renewables.”

Media mogul Michael Bloomberg is one of the richest men on the planet, with an estimated personal net worth of more than $34 billion. Since stepping down as mayor of New York City he has stepped up his propaganda activities in the climate wars. On January 31, 2014, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced that he had appointed Mr. Bloomberg as his Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change, assisting him in rounding up political support for a new UN global climate treaty to replace the expired Kyoto Protocol.

In June of this year, Bloomberg released a new report, “Risky Business: The Economic Risk of Climate Change,” along with fellow billionaire Tom Steyer and former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, the bailout king who previously served as CEO of Goldman Sachs, the infamous Wall Street firm that is commonly known as the “Vampire Squid.”


Complete text and video linked here.

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