Former members of Bush administration push for immigration reform

We don’t need reform. We need to enforce the law.

Republicans are piling on for immigration reform. The latest to put in their uninvited two cents were Carlos Gutierrez and Ari Fleischer, former members of George W. Bush’s administration. Breitbart reports:

Ari Fleischer, George W. Bush’s press secretary, declared that “it is high time for the GOP to move forward on immigration reform.”

“Immigration isn’t the only issue that Hispanics care about, but a willingness to move forward on reform will be instrumental in letting immigrants know they are important to and welcome in the party,” he wrote in the Washington Post. “A compromise needs to be found that respects the rule of law while allowing people who came to the United States seeking opportunity to find it.” (snip)

Gutierrez and Fleischer both said Republicans will not win the White House without “immigration reform,” even though two recent studies have shown that Republicans can win elections in 2014 and beyond without enacting massive amnesty legislation.


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