Murder suspect on personal jihad may have been groomed in Seattle barber shop (Video)

Ali Muhammad Brown, who hung out at the barber shop, is facing four murder charges in two states as police investigate his life thoroughly. A Fox News request for an interview with Brown and his attorney were declined. Brown is currently held in New Jersey’s Essex County jail.

A man accused of killing four people in two states is believed to have ties to a disrupted terrorist cell, a terrorist training camp on U.S. soil, and federal investigations going back more than a decade, a Fox News investigation has revealed.

Details of Ali Muhammad Brown’s life in crime and connections to radical Islam prior to the killings of a college student in New Jersey and three other men in Washington state since April 2014 is under renewed scrutiny. After his arrest in July, Brown, 29, told detectives from both states that he “was engaged in jihad” and referred to the specific murder of one victim, Brendan Tevlin, as a “just kill.”

Tevlin, 19, was murdered in West Orange, N.J., on June 25 while sitting in his car at a traffic light. He was shot eight times. Besides Brown, two other men have been arrested in Tevlin’s murder — Jeremy Villagran and Eric Williams.

Seattle authorities say ballistics link the same 9-mm. handgun that Brown used to kill Tevlin in New Jersey to three other homicide investigations in Washington state. On June 1, 23-year-old Dwone Anderson-Young and 27-year-old Ahmed Said were killed “execution style” as they sat inside a car in Seattle, Wash.


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