How Will Democrats Divide Us Next?

Nobody can deny the brilliance of the Frankfurt School chappies in converting the class-war politics of Marx into the race-and-gender-war politics of cultural Marxism.

In a sign that the “Republican War on Women” meme is past its sell-by date, Democrats – i.e., the New York Times — are now proposing that it was Republicans that came up with the catchphrase!

Democrats counter that Republicans use the phrase “Republicans’ war on women” more than Democrats to stoke a backlash among older and married women who reject partisan, feminist-sounding rhetoric and lean Republican. Ms. Greenberg said Republicans were “deliberately misconstruing” Democrats’ legitimate attacks.

I hope so. But are Republicans really that smart?

Let’s suppose that the Democrats are coming to the end of the line on the “war on women” catchphrase. You can see why that might be so.

The essence of politics is simple: politics is division. The whole point of practical politics is to divide the electorate into two parts, with the greater part voting for you.

But this division business is not as easy as it looks. You can see the problem in the quote above. When you roundly accuse all Republicans of a war on women no doubt you will get the support of all young single women and all secularist educated women. But what “older and married women… who lean Republican”? What about all men except liberal betas? What about the white working class?


Complete text linked here.

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